Sunshine in human form. That’s how I describe Jaime Windon of Windon Distilling to people who don’t yet know her. She truly is that person who lights up a room, the person who makes the party more fun, the person you can count on, too. Whenever I’ve asked Jaime for help or advice or a donation for some event or another, it’s YES. And not just yes, it’s what else can I do? And, “how are you”? And she’s real and smart and works so hard. Hustle and chutzpah. She’s definitely someone I wanted to ask these 13 questions.

If you have not had Jaime’s Lyon Rum, made down in St. Michaels, you gotta. It needs to be on your bar. (I really want make espresso martinis with the coffee rum liqueur!) It seems perfect that the distilled spirit Jaime’s company is known for is rum. Rum is fun, it’s warm, it’s approachable. Rum makes daiquiris, dark & stormys, piña coladas, mojitos, hurricanes, caipirinhas, mai tais, painkillers and more. Celebratory classics.

I hope you enjoy Jaime’s answers. She’s one in a million. And, go get yourself some rum.

Cake or Pie? And what kind?

Smith Island Cake (gluten free, regrettably)

Your most prized possession?

My Leica Q.

What’s your favorite thing to order out at restaurants?

Risotto! Duck! Duck risotto I suppose.

What’s your favorite to cook at home?

Steamed clams with garlic, red pepper and butter.

What’s your morning beverage and how do you take it?

Espresso, banana milk and honey.

What’s your personal motto?

Under promise and over deliver. Also, YES.

What’s your favorite holiday and why?

New years day. I love new beginnings.

Best advice you were ever given? And from whom?

“If it’s mentionable it’s manageable” — from my dear friend and colleague when i was teaching photography workshops.

What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?

Building a company that employs, empowers, and treats people well.

The last text you sent?

A link to the new New York Times game Connections, to my head distiller Brett

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Floating in clear water on a sunny day, preferably on Shela Beach in Lamu Island, Kenya. 

What do you love most about food?

I love the transportive effect of unique cuisine and delight in unexpected flavor combinations. Also, I’m not very interested in the act of cooking, so I love being cooked for!

What’s your favorite place in Baltimore?

Some of my best memories are in the old National Brewing Company building @ 2112 Fleet Street — I honed my bar skills and fell deeply in love with hospitality while working at Josephines in 2001 — it is long closed, but remains my favorite restaurant that ever existed.

read the original article >> HERE <<